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Anatolia Antiqua

Anatolia Antiqua is an international journal of Anatolian archaeology. Published by the French Institute of Anatolian Studies, it is ongoing since 1988. From 1995 onwards, it is published every year in the last week of May, at the time the annual Symposium of Anatolian Archaeology takes place.
The vocation of Anatolia Antiqua is twofold. First, it allows the dissemination of new data through the rapid publication of preliminary reports of French excavations and surveys conducted in Turkey. In addition, the journal gives a large place to academic research articles.
Essentially French-speaking, the magazine also publishes articles in English and German. Anatolia Antiqua welcomes the work of the best specialists working in all areas of Anatolian archeology, from Prehistory to the Seljuk period.
The quality is ensured by a double blind peer review process, and the vigilance of an international scientific committee, whose editorial decisions are sovereign.

Courtesy of Anatolia Antiqua, IFEA.

Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France

The "bulletin de la société nationale des antiquaires de France" publishes the papers given at its weekly sessions (from October to June) on the themes that fall within its remit: languages, geography, chronology, history, literature, arts and national, Greek, Roman, Oriental and medieval antiquities, with an extension to the 19th century for questions of erudition or museology.

Courtesy of Bulletin de la société nationale des antiquaires de France.

Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

From 1865 onwards, the "Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres" published the minutes of the Company's meetings. The CRAIs echo national and international current events in the three major fields of research that correspond to the three major vocations of the Society: archaeology, philology and history.

Courtesy of CRAI.

Kazı Sonuçları Toplantıları

Courtesy of Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantilari.

Presses universitaires de France

The French Universities Press (PUF) is a publishing house founded in 1921 by a college of professors. The company specializes in the publication of scientific journals and university textbooks. The company is dissolved in 2017 after a merger with Belin.

Courtesy of Presses universitaires de France.

Revue des études anciennes

The Journal of Ancient Studies is more than a hundred years old. Founded in 1899 by Georges Radet, it still retains today the broad vocation it originally had, which still makes it unique among comparable French or foreign journals. Indeed, it publishes articles on history, epigraphy, archaeology, literature and philosophy, thus covering the entire field of ancient studies devoted to the Greek and Roman worlds.

Courtesy of Revue des études anciennes.

Revue Numismatique

La Revue Numismatique a été fondée en 1836. Son champ comprend la numismatique et l’histoire monétaire et s’étend à l’archéologie, l’histoire économique, l’histoire de l’art ainsi qu’à l’épigraphie, la sigillographie ou la glyptique dans leurs rapports avec l’étude des monnaies, médailles et documents monétiformes.

Courtesy of Revue Numismatique.


Syria is a French journal published once a year in Beirut. Started in 1922, it is dedicated to the publication of all scientific work relating to ancient Middle Eastern archaeology, history, and art history, from prehistorical time to the advent of Islam. Syria is published by the Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO Beirut-Damas-Amman), a French research institution of the ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
La revue Syria est une revue périodique française paraissant en une seule livraison chaque année. Fondée en 1922 à Beyrouth, elle a pour vocation de publier tous travaux scientifiques relatifs à l'archéologie, à l'histoire et à l'histoire de l'art du Proche-Orient ancien, depuis la préhistoire jusqu'à l'avènement de l'islam. Elle est éditée par l'Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO Beyrouth-Damas-Amman), institut de recherche relevant du ministère français des Affaires étrangères et européennes et du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

Courtesy of jstor.

The journal of hellenistic studies

The Journal of Hellenic Studies was first issued in 1880 and is internationally recognized as one of the foremost periodicals in the field of Classical scholarship. It contains articles on a wide variety of Hellenic topics, and reviews of recent books of importance to Greek studies.

Courtesy of jstor.

Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi

Courtesy of Turk Arkeoloji Dergisi.